Unable to Import Palo Alto Networks Content Packs

I tried to be good and create a content pack but man that interface is just soooo wonky… :face_vomiting:

All I was trying to do is put out pipelines and their rules and extract the extra stuff I have in there… AND you have to get it 100% right because although I can edit all I want in github, once you post in Graylog Marketplace, the only thing you can change is the title (LAME!) Ok… done complaining.

I am posting my rules in sequence here. I am assuming your input works and you know how to make all the connections, stream, indexes and rules to connect them etc.


rule "PA-Firewall - ex0 - set log type"
    regex(pattern: "(,TRAFFIC,|,THREAT,|,CONFIG,|,SYSTEM,)", value: to_string($message.message)).matches == true
    let splitlog = split(",", to_string($message.message));
    set_field("log_type", splitlog[3] );

– And because PA 9.1.1 breaks out GLOBALPROTECT logs to different log file (used to be in SYSTEM) AND they decided that field 5 should contain the log type rather than field 3 like SYSTEM and TRAFFIC do. Sigh. Here is the second rule to handle marking that.

rule "PA-Firewall - ex0 - set log type - GP"
    regex(pattern: "(,GLOBALPROTECT,)", value: to_string($message.message)).matches == true
    set_field("log_type", "GLOBALPROTECT");

Now that we have separated out the log types we can delve into breaking out fields - >.


rule "PA-Firewall - ex1 - SYSTEM fields"
    has_field("log_type")           &&
    to_string($message.log_type) == "SYSTEM"
    let message     = to_string($message.message);

    // Regex breaks out event description in quotes here.
    // there are possibly commas in the description that messes up the split
    // so regex the event description and ignore ending fields since not needed.
    let snagy       = regex(pattern:    "(?<=,\")(.*)(?=.\",)", 
                            value:      message

    set_field("event_description", to_string(snagy["0"]));

	let splitsys   = split(",", message);
    set_field("hostname",                   splitsys[0]);
    set_field("receive_date_time",          splitsys[1]);
    set_field("serial_number",              splitsys[2]);
  //set_field("log_type",                   splitsys[3]); -- already handled
    set_field("log_subtype",				splitsys[4]);
    set_field("time_generated",				splitsys[6]);
  //set_field("virtual_system",				splitsys[7]); -- not used
    set_field("event_id_name",				splitsys[8]);
    set_field("session_object",				splitsys[9]);
    set_field("subtype_module",				splitsys[12]);
    set_field("event_severity",				splitsys[13]);

As I said in a previous post: " I didn’t care about the fields following event_description (past field 13) but if you wanted them you could replace(message,to_string(snagy["0"])) to remove the field before breaking the rest out."


rule "PA-Firewall - ex1 - TRAFFIC fields"
    has_field("log_type")       &&
    to_string($message.log_type) == "TRAFFIC"
    let splittraf = split(",", to_string($message.message));
    set_field("hostname",                   splittraf[0]);
    set_field("receive_date_time",          splittraf[1]);
    set_field("serial_number",              splittraf[2]);
    //set_field("log_type",                 splittraf[3]); -- already handled
    set_field("log_subtype",				splittraf[4]);
    set_field("time_generated",				splittraf[6]);
    set_field("session_src_ip",				splittraf[7]);
    set_field("session_dst_ip",				splittraf[8]);
    set_field("session_nat_src_ip", 		splittraf[9]);
    set_field("firewall_rule",				splittraf[11]);
  //set_field("source_user",				splittraf[12]); -- not used
  //set_field("destination_user",			splittraf[13]); -- not used
    set_field("application",				splittraf[14]);
  //set_field("virtual_system",				splittraf[15]); -- not used
    set_field("session_src_zone",			splittraf[16]);
    set_field("session_dst_zone",			splittraf[17]);
    set_field("ingress_interface",			splittraf[18]);
    set_field("egress_interface",			splittraf[19]);
    set_field("log_forward_profile",		splittraf[20]);
    set_field("session_id",					splittraf[22]);
    set_field("repeat_count",				splittraf[23]);
    set_field("session_src_port", 			splittraf[24]);
    set_field("session_dst_port", 			splittraf[25]);
    set_field("session_nat_src_port",		splittraf[26]);
    set_field("session_nat_dst_port", 		splittraf[27]);
    set_field("session_flags", 				splittraf[28]);
    set_field("session_ip_proto",			splittraf[29]);
    set_field("action",						splittraf[30]);
    set_field("session_total_bytes",		splittraf[31]);
    set_field("session_bytes_sent",			splittraf[32]);
    set_field("session_bytes_received",		splittraf[33]);
    set_field("session_total_packets",		splittraf[34]);
    set_field("session_start_time",			splittraf[35]);
    set_field("session_elapsed_time_sec",	splittraf[36]);
    set_field("url_category",				splittraf[37]);
    set_field("source_country",				splittraf[41]);
    set_field("destination_country",		splittraf[42]);
    set_field("pkts_sent",					splittraf[44]);
    set_field("pkts_received", 				splittraf[45]);
    set_field("session_end_reason", 		splittraf[46]);
    set_field("action_source", 				splittraf[53]);

This third rule below in STAGE 1 breaks out GLOBALPROTECT fields and shunts the message over to the Remote Access stream because remote access has a different stream/index to handle presentation and how long we hold onto the message.

rule "PA-Firewall - ex1 - GLOBALPROTECT fields"
    has_field("log_type")           &&
    to_string($message.log_type) == "GLOBALPROTECT"
    set_field(field: "ra_tag", value: "globalprotect");

    let message     = to_string($message.message);

    //convert " , " to "-" in temp message
    let message = replace(  value:          message, 
                            search:         " , 64-bit",
                            replacement:    " - 64-bit"

	let splittraf   = split(",", message);
    set_field("hostname",                   splittraf[0]);
    set_field("receive_date_time",          splittraf[1]);
    set_field("serial_number",              splittraf[2]);
    set_field("seqno",                      splittraf[3]); 
    //set_field("action_flag",				splittraf[4]);  //Not used: panorama
    set_field("log_type",                   splittraf[5]);
                                                            // items 6,7 are unknown at the moment - skipping
    set_field("time_generated",				splittraf[8]);
    set_field("virtual_system",				splittraf[9]); 
    set_field("event_id_name",				splittraf[10]);
    set_field("action",				        splittraf[10]); //created for consistancey with Pulse vpn
    set_field("session_stage",				splittraf[11]);
    set_field("auth_method",				splittraf[12]);
    set_field("tunnel_type",				splittraf[13]);
    set_field("authenticated_user",         splittraf[14]);
    set_field("srcregion",		            splittraf[15]);
    set_field("machinename",				splittraf[16]);
    set_field("client_ip",				    splittraf[17]);
    //set_field("public_ipv6",				splittraf[18]);  //unused
    set_field("private_ip",				    splittraf[19]);
    //set_field("private_ipv6",				splittraf[20]);  //unused
    set_field("hostid",				        splittraf[21]);
    set_field("serialnumber",			    splittraf[22]);
    set_field("client_ver",				    splittraf[23]);
    set_field("client_os",				    splittraf[24]);
    set_field("client_os_ver",		        splittraf[25]);
    set_field("repeatcnt",				    splittraf[26]);
    set_field("reason",				        splittraf[27]);
    set_field("error",				        splittraf[28]);
    set_field("opaque",				        splittraf[29]);
    set_field("status",				        splittraf[30]);
    set_field("location",				    splittraf[31]);
    set_field("login_duration",				to_long(splittraf[32]));  //enforce as number
    set_field("connect_method",				splittraf[33]);
    set_field("error_code",				    splittraf[34]);
    set_field("portal",				        splittraf[35]);
    //This is no longer a firewall event - its a remote access event - REMOVING form PA index so it's not double stored
    route_to_stream(name:                   "Remote Access Global",
                    remove_from_default:    true


Once the message gets to the Remote Access pipeline it hits a couple of rules I set up that I won’t include here for brevity ( :crazy_face:) but there is one you might like. If you use it in the current pipeline we are describing you would want to create a STAGE 2 to make sure that the STAGE 1 rule that breaks out the fields completes.

STAGE 2 (I had some community help creating this rule!)

rule "RA-Calc-Connect-Time"
    has_field("login_duration")            &&
    to_long($message.login_duration) > 0 
    let vpn_duration    = parse_unix_milliseconds(to_long($message.login_duration) * 1000);
    let vpn_hours       = vpn_duration.hourOfDay;
    let vpn_minutes     = vpn_duration.minuteOfHour;
    let vpn_seconds     = vpn_duration.secondOfMinute;
    let build_message_0 = concat(to_string(vpn_hours), " hours, ");
    let build_message_1 = concat(build_message_0, to_string(vpn_minutes));
    let build_message_2 = concat(build_message_1, " minutes, ");
    let build_message_3 = concat(build_message_2, to_string(vpn_seconds));
    let build_message_4 = concat(build_message_3, " seconds");

    set_field(  field: "vpn_connection_time", 
                value:  build_message_4

All of the detail that PA has on their logs can be found here for reference:

Whew! This was WAY easier than trying to create a Content Pack. Hope this helps to give you a view into PaloAlto logs and Graylog rules and stages.