Unable to Import Palo Alto Networks Content Packs

@jan - should have mentioned that too - there are a couple challenges that I have with the built in integration:

  • The Integrations plugin goes to 8.1 and PA is on version 9+ with notable adjustments in fields. You can adjust the integration but as an example, PA has broken out a new message type GLOBALPROTECT … which used to be under SYSTEM - not yet available in the current integration. Even more annoying, all the other log types are in CSV field position [3] but GLOBALPROTECT is CSV field position [5]…

  • The SYSTEM messages have a description field that has quotes around it contains zero or more commas and is semi key-value oriented. The integration kind of captures these but can’t break them into field name and data - until the pipeline… if you want them.

  • There is no method for ignoring fields

Having the message breakout in a pipeline gives me a lot more flexibility for this and as things evolve.

Example: (Assumes you already pulled out that it was logtype SYSTEM in a previous stage)

rule "PA-Firewall - ex1 - SYSTEM fields"
    has_field("log_type")           &&
    to_string($message.log_type) == "SYSTEM"
    let message     = to_string($message.message);

    // Regex breaks out event description in quotes here.
    // there are possibly commas in the description that messes up the split
    // so regex the event description and ignore ending fields since not needed.
    let snagy       = regex(pattern:    "(?<=,\")(.*)(?=.\",)", 
                            value:      message

    set_field("event_description", to_string(snagy["0"]));

	let splitsys   = split(",", message);
    set_field("hostname",                   splitsys[0]);
    set_field("receive_date_time",          splitsys[1]);
    set_field("serial_number",              splitsys[2]);
  //set_field("log_type",                   splitsys[3]); -- already handled
    set_field("log_subtype",				splitsys[4]);
    set_field("time_generated",				splitsys[6]);
  //set_field("virtual_system",				splitsys[7]); -- not used
    set_field("event_id_name",				splitsys[8]);
    set_field("session_object",				splitsys[9]);
    set_field("subtype_module",				splitsys[12]);
    set_field("event_severity",				splitsys[13]);

I didn’t care about the fields following event_description but if you wanted them you could replace(message,event_description) to remove the field before breaking the rest out.

OK WAY more information than asked for but it’s a slow day and someone may search for a similar answer in the future.