Sending timestamp field in GELF messages via TCP using netcat causes messages to hang in Journal

I am trying to send csv to gray log using gelf tcp via python script.I am converted my csv to json using python and sending to graylog with echo|nc it’s working fine.but after adding timestamp field, my graylog was hang

echo -n -e '{"_index_code": "ADI     ", "level": 6, "timestamp": "1553731200", "_index_closing_value": "5101", "source": "3d30d925dc1d", "path": "/appz/scripts/sample.csv", "message": "OK", "_date": "Thursday, March 28, 2019"}'"\0"'{"_index_code": "ADI     ", "level": 6, "timestamp": "1553990400", "_index_closing_value": "5074.65", "source": "3d30d925dc1d", "path": "/appz/scripts/sample.csv", "message": "OK", "_date": "Sunday, March 31, 2019"}'"\0"'{"_index_code": "ADI     ", "level": 6, "timestamp": "1554076800", "_index_closing_value": "5055.29", "source": "3d30d925dc1d", "path": "/appz/scripts/sample.csv", "message": "OK", "_date": "Monday, April 01, 2019"}'"\0"| nc -w0 -u 12201

this is the sample of data. when I trying to send 700 events with different timestamp value its hang, without timestamp its working fine

what does the graylog server.log tells you?

2019-05-16 13:32:26,353 WARN : org.graylog2.periodical.GarbageCollectionWarningThread - Last GC run with MarkSweepCompact took longer than 1 second (last duration=5796 milliseconds)
2019-05-16 13:32:32,100 WARN : org.graylog2.periodical.GarbageCollectionWarningThread - Last GC run with MarkSweepCompact took longer than 1 second (last duration=4985 milliseconds)
2019-05-16 13:32:37,244 WARN : org.graylog2.periodical.GarbageCollectionWarningThread - Last GC run with MarkSweepCompact took longer than 1 second (last duration=4230 milliseconds)

I guess the logfile is telling more and you just tried to find the most meaningful.

But that does not really help.

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