Rsyslog streaming doesn't work

Hello @SR_CSV

Thank you for the added information. This helped to understand what you doing.

If your only using Rsyslog for buffering you might want to check this out.

I personally would choose either Rsyslog or Nxlog to ship log/s directly to Graylog input. I have tried using Rsyslog but unfortunately I was running into problems most of the time, specially when I want to adjust configurations on Graylog.


I believe what you want can be done either with Nxlog_GELF/TCP
OR Graylog Sidecar

To give you a better understanding this is my setup. My Graylog input is configured with Gelf/tcp/tls and my shipper is Nxlog. Nxlog is shipping logs from a Linux box to Graylog. These settings can be configured/adjusted for Gelf_TCP if you don’t want to use TLS.


# Global directives                    #
#User nxlog
#Group nxlog

LogFile /var/log/nxlog/nxlog.log
LogLevel INFO

# Modules                              #
<Extension _syslog>
    Module      xm_syslog

<Extension _gelf>
    Module      xm_gelf

<Input messages>
    Module       im_file
    FILE         "/var/log/messages"
    SavePos       TRUE
    ReadFromLast  TRUE
    PollInterval  1
    Exec  $Message = $raw_event;

<Input secure>
    Module       im_file
    FILE         "/var/log/secure"
    SavePos       TRUE
    ReadFromLast  TRUE
    PollInterval  1
    Exec  $Message = $raw_event;

<Input audit>
   Module       im_file
   FILE         "/var/log/audit/audit.log"
   SavePos       TRUE
   ReadFromLast  TRUE
   PollInterval  1
   Exec  $Message = $raw_event;
<Input nextcloud>
   Module       im_file
   FILE         "/mnt/nextcloud-data1/nextcloud.log"
   SavePos       TRUE
   ReadFromLast  TRUE
   PollInterval  1
   Exec  $Message = $raw_event;

<Output out>
    Module      om_ssl ### for tcp use your om_tcp
    Port        51411
    OutputType  GELF_TCP
    CertFile        /var/lib/nxlog/cert/graylog3-certificate.pem
    CertKeyFile     /var/lib/nxlog/cert/graylog3-key.pem
    CAFile          /var/lib/nxlog/cert/cert3.pem
    KeyPass         secret
    AllowUntrusted  true
    Exec $short_message = $raw_event;
    Exec $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();

# Routes                               #
Path messages => out

Path secure => out

Path audit => out

Path nextcloud => out

Here is my Graylog Input,


Over all I believe you can simplify your setup.
Hope that helps