Is check_result still supported on v3.3?

Hi there,

It is noted v3.3 alerting documentation does not mention check_result. The last reference to it was in v3.1.

I would like to make use of ${check_result.resultDescription} as it used to list the number of logs being aggregated in an alert disregard of backlog size (actually, only tried with backlog >0).

If no longer supported, is there any other way to include this info in a notification other than increasing the backlog size?

alert aggregation on source with count rule
aggregated alert catches 15 events.
notification set to backlog=1 and message includes ${check_result.resultDescription}. The latter is replaced with the alert Name + aggregation field (i.e. source) + aggregation policy (i.e. count = 15)

Any advise on the above?

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