Graylog web interface is slow after upgrade

One thing that I’ve noticed is that when I load one of those pages and watch top on the command line I see mongod jump to 50% plus until the page loads. Not sure if that’s normal.

Checked the elasticsearch heap and it shows the following which seams fine to me.

curl -sS -XGET “localhost:9200/_cat/nodes?h=heap*&v”
heap.current heap.percent heap.max
3.2gb 27 11.8gb
5.2gb 44 11.8gb
3.7gb 31 11.8gb

Noticed oom-killer logs seen here.

I noticed these in my logs with that I never noticed before. I rolled back to 141 and will check of it helped tomorrow.

Edit: It did help with the oom-messages.

Didn’t help page load speed.