Events using aggregation group by field removes data from notification

Hey @SalC

This is not a bug, its about understanding the concept of Graylogs Email Template.

I think you are almost there, maybe I can explain it better.

In the Email Template you would have sections.

  • Event Section

If you look closely you’ll notice the macro’s used to get the BASIC information from your Event Definition. :cowboy_hat_face:

--- [Event] --------------------------------------
Timestamp:            ${event.timestamp}
Message:              ${event.message}
Source:               ${event.source}
Key:                  ${event.key}
Priority:             ${event.priority}
Alert:                ${event.alert}
Timestamp Processing: ${event.timestamp}
Timerange Start:      ${event.timerange_start}
Timerange End:        ${event.timerange_end}
  • Message Fields Section

This section is probably what you want to configure. This will add or subtract the information you want when you send a notification. I believe this already works for you since you posted this above.

${foreach event.fields field}  ${field.key}: ${field.value}
${if backlog}
--- [Backlog] ------------------------------------
Last messages accounting for this alert:
Messages:            ${foreach backlog message}
TargetUserName:      ${message.fields.TargetUserName}
WorkstationName:     ${message.fields.WorkstationName}
EventReceivedTime:   ${message.fields.EventReceivedTime}
Source:              ${message.fields.source}

If you put them together it should look like this. Noticed the macro’s used in each section.

-- [Event Definition] ---------------------------
Title:       ${event_definition_title}
Description: ${event_definition_description}
Type:        ${event_definition_type}
--- [Event] --------------------------------------
Timestamp:            ${event.timestamp}
Message:              ${event.message}
Source:               ${event.source}
Key:                  ${event.key}
Priority:             ${event.priority}
Alert:                ${event.alert}
Timestamp Processing: ${event.timestamp}
Timerange Start:      ${event.timerange_start}
Timerange End:        ${event.timerange_end}
${foreach event.fields field}  ${field.key}: ${field.value}
${if backlog}
--- [Backlog] ------------------------------------
Last messages accounting for this alert:
Messages:           ${foreach backlog message}
TargetUserName:     ${message.fields.TargetUserName}
WorkstationName:    ${message.fields.WorkstationName}
EventReceivedTime:  ${message.fields.EventReceivedTime}
Source:             ${message.fields.source}

In this forum there are hundreds of post about email template and really good examples, for instance this one.

Hope that helps